
The Australian Resources Recovery Council is the leading business advocate for Australia’s waste management and resource recovery sector. Our members provide Australians with a valuable source of renewable resources by collecting, managing and treating waste and recyclable materials, and making resources available to Government, communities and manufacturers for re-use in place of natural materials.


The Council aims to boost the Australian economy by providing an alternate supply of resources that are more efficient and less carbon intensive than mining and manufacturing with raw materials.

Rebranding to Reflect Impact

In 2025, the Council rebranded to better reflect its impact and value to the nation and our communities, focusing on how we generate an alternate source of renewable materials, thereby protecting community health, utility and the natural environment, through waste and recycling services.

Policy and Advocacy Priorities

The Council’s priorities include creating a strong market for recycled materials, recognising and rewarding businesses for avoiding carbon emissions, developing markets for alternate renewable fuel & energy sources such as biogas, fostering a competitive environment for recycled materials, and encouraging both public and private sector investment in the Australian recovered materials economy.

Our Mission

To achieve the aims of businesses servicing the circular economy in Australia by strong advocacy in Canberra, and proactive engagement with Federal Industry, Resources, Energy Manufacturing and Environment portfolios in line with National priorities, and long-term advocacy for positive reforms to the sector.

Our objectives are to deliver:

  • Strong representation in Canberra advocacy, inclusive of elected representatives, parliamentary committees’ and Canberra based national industry organisations of relevance, to federal regulators and policymakers
  • Proactive engagement and advocacy directed at national priorities identified by its members, including directly with the community and national media
  • Long-term industry advocacy that underpins positive reforms across multiple political cycles that impact the members operating environment

Who are We?

We are the Australian Resources Recovery Council,
(previously National Waste Recycling Industry Council)
representing Australian businesses with assets and operations
in Waste Management, Resource Recovery, Recycling and
Alternate Fuel and Energy Sources.

What do we do?

Our members give Australian businesses, Governments and communities access to essential waste, recycling and resource recovery services. The materials we recover include but are not limited to:

  • Ferrous and Non-Ferrous Metals
  • Biogas (including Carbon Dioxide and Methane capture)
  • Plastics & other polymers
  • Used Tyres
  • Paper & cardboard
  • Garden and Food Organics
  • Glass
  • Commercial and Industrial wastes
  • Waste Oil & Lubricants
  • Hazardous Waste and Chemicals
  • Concrete & asphalt, and construction materials
  • Liquid and Industrial Wastes including water

These high-quality recovered resources are then used in applications such as:

  • Manufacturing
  • Renewable energy generation (such as biogas and solar powered energy)
  • Construction, Civil and Structural
  • Industrial, Municipal and Agricultural water sources
  • Automotive and transportation
  • Soil remediation & mine site rehabilitation
  • Agriculture
  • Landfill management and rehabilitation

We protect human health and serve the community by providing world class collection services managing, processing, recovering resources and disposing of wastes, replacing natural resources and reducing Australia’s carbon emissions.

Why did NWRIC change its name

In 2025 we rebranded to the Australian Resources Recovery Council (ARRC). Our refreshed brand reflects the full breadth of our impact and value to Australia. It focuses on what resource recovery is about, and how our members are contributing to supplying important renewable resources for local manufacturing and other high end uses from community and industrial processes waste and recyclables.

By practical demonstration to alternate energy sources from methane abatement at landfills, alternate fuels from processed commercial and industrial wastes including used tyres, organics recovery from food and garden wastes, metals recovery for re-use in making new steel products locally, used paper and cardboard, plastics and other materials recovery from household and business recycling collections, recycling waste lube oil into base oil for use in the mining, automotive, transport, and agricultural industries, construction wastes generating soils, alternate concrete and asphalt reuse, and recycled liquid waste streams including water, as some of the national opportunities available today.